Leagues Adult Indoor Leagues $540 per team + tax ($584.28)
NEW LEAGUE Additions Established division play days don't work for you, or you want to play more than once a week without having to play at another facility.
Additional league offerings:
Men's Over-30 Thursdays Men's Over-40 Tuesdays
Women's Over-30 on Tuesdays Women's Over-40 on Tuesday
Coed Rec. Over-30 on Saturdays Coed Rec. Over-40 on Saturdays
Coed HS on Fridays
Men's Leagues Open - Divisions 1 thru 4. Divisions 1, 4 Thursdays 6:00 to 11:00pm Divisions 2, 3 Wednesdays 6:00 to 11:00pm Over 30 Division (must be at least 30 in calendar year) Thursdays 6:00 to 10:10pm Over 40 Division (must be at least 40 in calendar year) Tuesdays 6:00 to 10:10pm Women's Leagues Open - Divisions 1 thru 4, and Beginners. Divisions 1, 2, 3 Tuesdays 6:00 to 10:10pm Division 4M Mondays 6:00 to 10:10pm Beginners Div. Mondays 6:00 to 10:10pm Over 30 Division Tuesdays 6:00 to 10:10pm Over 40 Division Tuesdays 6:00 to 10:10pm Coed Leagues Open - Divisions 1 thru 5. Division 1 Saturdays 5:10 to 10:00pm Division 2, 3, 4, 5 Sundays 10:10am to 10:10pm Recreational Open A,B Saturdays 2:40 to 10:10pm Over 30 Recreational (must be at least 30 in calendar year) Divisions A & B Saturdays 2:40 to 10:10pm Over 40 Recreational (must be at least 40 in calendar year) Saturdays 2:40 to 10:10pm
Youth Indoor Leagues Boys & Girls: U6 - U9 $425 per team + tax ($458.58)
The U6 - U9 games are smaller-sided games than the older ages and are played on an age-appropriate size field - West Arena (arena 2) Play Days and Number of Players
U6 - U7 Weekends 12:00pm to 6:50pm (primarily Saturdays, with the possibility of some Sunday games) 4 field players, plus a GK
U8 - U9 Weekdays 5:10pm to 8:30pm
4 field players, plus a GK CALL FOR YOUR DIVISION’S PLAY DAY
Boys & Girls: U10 - U18 $540 per team + tax ($584.28)
Games will be played at the East Arena (Large field)
Levels of competition in our youth leagues are determined by outdoor league.
Play Days and Number of Players
U10 - U12
Weekends 8:00am to 4:20pm
6 field players, plus a GK
U13 - U16, HS Weekdays 4:20pm to 7:40pm CALL FOR YOUR DIVISION’S PLAY DAY
5 field players, plus a GK
NEW Coed HS Thursday 4:20pm to 7:40pm
6 field players, plus a GK Play days depend on the particular division. Divisions are generally scheduled on one particular day week in and week out. Play days and times listed above for each division are only guidelines and are subject to change. To
Register a Team Teams currently playing have priority in registering, but must re-register by a specific date (usually one month before next session). We accept new teams on a first-come, first-served basis (based on the date of deposit). If your team does not get into their requested session, we will refund your deposit, or if you like, we can hold it over until the next session. All money paid is non-refundable if your team is scheduled for league play. The balance of the team registration fee and a team roster is required prior to your first game. Player
Card Waiver
of Liability Waiver of Liability Form to participate in our leagues; parent or legal guardian must sign for players under age 18.
Fees U6 thru U12 $7.00 per game U13 thru Adult $9.00 per game Referee fees are paid by the participating teams directly to the referee prior to the start of each game.
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